People Can Wait.

Sheng Ruming stared at the front and said casually, "Haixiao I won't go to the company tomorrow. You take care of the major matters for a day for me. "

"Got it. Earlier, Yanli gave me the hospital's phone number. She has told me you should make a call before you go to see her, incase you don't see her awake." 

Sheng Ruming just slightly glanced at him and frowned, 'Did not Yanli said she regained sense?'

Wang Haixiao and Ji Yanli have been his friends for many years and they could definitely guess he knew the woman's identity. But they remained shut and didn't bring this matter up until now, also it was not their place to butt in his personal matters.

'Now that she had woken up, let's see what will happen.' Wang Haixiao thought while looki6in the distance.


After the scheduled meetings were over, Sheng Ruming was on his way towards his home .He was in the vicinity of Sheng Villa but suddenly he thought of Luo Lixi. 

He got a strong urge to see her and thus decided to go to the hospital.

"Turn the car to Ailin Hospital." He instructed.

The driver peeked at the rear view mirror and gave an innocent advice, "Sir, you look tired. Shouldn't it be better if you go there tomorrow? Also it's quite late now."

"It's not a problem. Just do as I say." his voice was unusually soft as he said.

The driver didn't say anything as he was the one to take Sheng Ruming to the hospital for the past months and made a U-turn on the road. 

Sheng Ruming loosened his tie. He was both mentally and physically exhausted. During this period, the work at the company was very heavy. He leaned against his seat and closed his eyes.

It was already 11 o'clock of night by the time they reached the hospital. 

"Sir, we are here." said the driver.

Sheng Ruming opened his eyes and turned outside. 

Before the driver could get down to open the door for him he already did it by himself and started walking towards the hospital's exit.

Two of his bodyguards got down from another car and followed him closely. They looked intimidating

The Ailin Hospital was very famous and many important figures from various cities would come here to get treatment .So the security here was naturally very tight. However, the security guards at the entrance didn't stop them.

In the past two months, they had seen Sheng Ruming countless times and already knew who he was. The hospital director, personally told them not to offend him at any cost.

Sheng Ruming went straight to the lift. His two bodyguards stood each by his sides and maintained some distance from the people. The people knew at a glance he was some big shot and went to one side obediently.

One of his bodyguards already clicked the button for the 7th floor. It shouldn't have taken them long to reach that floor but the people beside them stopped the lift to get down at almost all the floors. So it took them around ten minutes.

After reaching the floor, Sheng Ruming hurriedly walked towards the VIP room no.102. Four people stood on attention at the entrance. It looked heavily guarded. 

Whenever some people passed by this area they would think there guessed there might be some important figure admitted there. 

The four people were his top class bodyguards. He didn't believe in the hospital's security because never did they check him before allowing him to enter. The privilege they gave to Sheng Ruming made the man think poorly of the hospital's security system.

That's why he placed his inside or his mind wouldn't be in peace. 

The bodyguards standing by the door greeted him respectfully as he went straight inside. His other two bodyguards didn't follow him and stood outside.

Sheng Ruming carefully opened the door. His footsteps were very light and gentle as if he didn't want to disturb the woman lying there quietly.

He went to her side and touched her hands gently. His previous weary mood vanished within a second. He stared at her face and sat down beside herbon a seat. 

"Lixi, finally you have gained consciousness today. Even if it was for a second I am happy. Please don't blame me for not informing your family." There was a sad smile on his face as he murmured slowly.

At first Sheng Ruming wanted to inform her family members but to his surprise they didn't take any step to find her, let alone any news about her disappearance. It was quite abnormal. 

The Luo family lives in the neighboring city. He investigated and there was definitely something fishy. So even if he wanted them to know about Luo Lixi's whereabouts, his first priority was her safety and he didn't dare or want to compromise about it.

Also Luo Lixi was in a coma and he didn't want to do anything that would bring harm to her. Her people could wait and they could decide what to do after she woke up. 

'I am selfish.' The man thought. Deep down he knew all of these reasons were just facade and that he just wanted her by his side.


Sheng Ruming was staring at her pale face. Her hands were in his hands as he rubbed the cut mark of her right hand which healed long ago. 

Whenever he saw it his blood boiled in rage as the thought to murder someone flash. Just imaging, how much pain she had been through made his heart ache. He wouldn't spare anybody who was responsible for her misery. 

He examined her face. She had become so thin in the past two months. Her face was so pale. He raised his hand and gently caressed it. 

'I don't want to leave her here. What if she wakes up and doesn't see anyone familiar? I want to be the first person she'll see.' He thought to himself and made an abrupt decision then and there. 

After giving her temple a light kiss, Sheng Ruming stood up and went outside, closed the door gently. 

They walked side by side as they passed a lot of corridors and reached the front of the room. They entered it without any hesitation as if it was very natural.