You Look Very Different.

At that moment, Sheng Ruming withdrew his gaze from Luo Lixi and looked at the doctor. 

"How is she? What is her condition?" He asked the man in white suit who was trying to make himself invisible to a corner. He felt scared of Sheng Ruming.

"Much better. Although everything looks okay, she should take a full body checkup to be safe in case her body has some hidden complications." The edges of his lips twitched slightly while he tried to reply politely. 

Sheng Ruming's earlier outburst scared him a lot. He didn't want to be in that maid's position at all and lose his job in the Ailin Hospital because one word from the man was enough to cause it.

"Leave us alone." He ordered them all to go out. 

When all of them left, the room became too calm. Luo Lixi and Sheng Ruming looked eye to eye for the first time.

After a few rounds of exchanges, both of them retracted their gazes almost simultaneously.

Luo Lixi was seated on her duvet. Her complexion appeared much better now; much different from the morning. She was wearing a cute pink pyjama while she was sitting there all alone, it looked like a picture from a drama.

There was a healthy blush on her face. It was so unlike her pale skin from before; the reason was unknown to both of them.

Finally, Luo Lixi opened her lips but it only quivered slightly, no sound came from it. She was having difficulty to face him alone. 

Earlier she didn't feel it with so many people around her but now she was feeling a little suffocating. 

Sheng Ruming was looking at her so intensely that she felt very uncomfortable. She had a forlorn expression but eventually sound came out from her mouth. 

"It's... It's been a while..." She spoke in a low and hoarse voice.


"How have you these years?"

"Better than before."

To her, his words seemed curt and sharp. She was trying hard to maintain her voice as normal as she could despite having difficulty to speak. 

Also due to his straight face, she felt awkward.

"Well, um...were you the one who saved me?"

"What do you think?" He smirked without realising.

Luo Lixi was so lost and embarrassed at the situation that she didn't ask him anything anymore. Her mood fell a little. She looked at his features, so unlike of the past and unconsciously blurted out.

"You look very different."

"Of course I look different. You too... no you look way too different." This time he replied to her. 

She felt it sounded odd. It didn't take long for her to think of an underlying meaning of his statement. She felt somewhat hurt. 

He didn't say anything afterwards for a long time. Luo Lixi felt quite hard to remain seated like that but didn't dare to move as he was standing before her. 

Luo Lixi wanted to ask him to sit down but couldn't muster the courage to tell him. She wanted to ask him many things about the past two months but felt very embarrassed to speak. 

Also, she wanted to be awake, as it's been some time since she woke up and didn't want to continue lying down. She would feel very lonely if she was left alone in that room.

That being said, she wished to go outside to take fresh air and to feel the warmth of the sun but thought she might sound demanding if she told them. Thus she remained silent. Her eyelids felt very heavy but she kept them wide open. 

Sheng Ruming was amused by her behavior. Earlier in the car, he thought to ask about the things related to her accident but now that he was beside her, he was lost. She just woke up and he didn't want to remind her of the unpleasant memories. 

Also, it might put pressure on her. 'Forget it. There will be plenty of chances in the future. Let her be... for now.' He thought inwardly.

While she was staring around the room, many thoughts wandered around in her mind. 'It was way too astonishing that he was the one who saved me. I wonder how...'

She felt very tired and unknowingly fell asleep even though she decided to stay awake. As she was going to fall to a side, Sheng Ruming walked towards her silently and held her head softly. She went to a deep slumber as she didn't wake up even in many movements as he laid her down on the bed. 

While he tugged her under the bedsheet, he noticed her face was very red. 

When he was standing before her it wasn't very apparent. But now that he was close enough, he noticed there was a red shade at the centre of her cheek, it looked unnatural.

When he touched it softly, she flinched in her sleep, also her brows creased in-furrow as she felt the pain. Earlier, when she was awake, she was way too distracted to feel the burning pain. 

Sheng Ruming retracted his hand from her face but a frown was visible in his face. When he took her hand, as usual, he noticed the bracelet was upside down. He put it on her hand, also it wasn't like that in the morning. 

Even if she did it she wouldn't wear it wrongly. Moreover, there wasn't a need for her to take it off of her hand. When he examined it, his fingers brushed past her skin and it touched the bruise on her hand.

"Ah!" With a low shirk, her eyes opened.

As she noticed him, she asked, "Ruming, what are doing?!" 

When she opened her sleepy eyes, she was bewildered to find him standing so close to her.

"Sorry, I disturbed you. Did you feel pain just now?" He asked her. There was obvious concern in his voice. 

"Yes...a little." She nodded.

He was way too close to her. She felt her heart beating too fast as if it would jump out. He looked at her intensely.

"How did you get a bruise on your hand? Also, your face is so red, especially your cheek?" Sheng Ruming inquired with doubt. He was beside her nearly everyday and no one knew better than him as to how was her skin. The redness was too weird.

"What red? You are mistaken...OUCH!!!" She thought it was due to her embarrassment that her face turned crimson but when she touched it she felt a sharp pain. 

Sheng Ruming touched her hand to move it from her cheek when she screamed, "Wait, It hurts! Ruming, let go of my hand!" 

His grip was quite hard as the bracelet's material pressed hard on the bruise. He let go of his grip on her hand but felt a slight moistness on his fingers.

There were some traces of blood in his hand and the silver pearls on her wrist became crimson as well. She curled up in pain. Her eyes filled up with tears instantly but she refused to cry and appear so vulnerable in front of the man she had rejected once. He narrowed his eyes slightly at her reaction and couldn't control his temper.