
"Young master, what will you eat? Just tell me. I will try to make it in a possibly short time." A maid told him from afar. She was the one who he gave the scarf earlier.

The man turned towards Luo Lixi as if asking what she would eat.

"I will have an omelet." She replied calmly yet her eyes stared at the maid.

"And? What else?" He asked her and didn't notice her gaze.

"That's it. I will just eat it. This will do." She answered him sheepishly. Sheng Ruming also smiled with her but his smile portrayed double meanings. Luo Lixi's heart dropped when she saw the cunning smile on his handsome face.

He turned towards the maid and told her, "Make an omelet with four eggs and put some veggies in it to make it more healthy. Also, make some light side dishes and appetisers for her.." 

'For me?! What does he mean by it?!' As this thought roamed in her mind Luo Lixi couldn't help slowly turned her face at him and asked slowly while appearing quite pitiful, "We will share all the food, alright?" 

He knew what she was thinking in her small brain. Even if he wanted to say no, he didn't say that aloud but...


When Luo Lixi heard it, she felt relaxed and heaved a sigh. Earlier she was afraid that Sheng Ruming would force her to eat like the past. She would rather starve than to become bloated full by food.

"Now, let me go. I have to change my dress. You should also change out of your outfits and wear some comfortable clothes." She said as she slightly nudged his hands to release her.

When he released her, Luo Lixi immediately ran into the stairs to go to her room. When she reached the second floor, she stopped in her tracks and looked down at him from the top.

"Don't forget to bring the medicine bottles and the things I've bought. Send them to my room later. Also... don't forget about the flowers and seed pods."

As Sheng Ruming nodded his head, she walked away in a rather pleased mood. After spending the whole day outside, her mood was much better than the past few days when she had to spend her time in idle and boredom. 

Sheng Ruming turned towards the standing nurse beside him and told her, "Luo Lixi has a light cough. You should go and see if she needs anything." 

The nurse nodded as she walked up to the second floor.

Sheng Ruming heavily sighed as his stomach growled in hunger but luckily no one was around him to witness this embarrassing scene. His head was also aching a little so he massaged it over lightly.

As he turned towards the gate, he saw a bodyguard, clad in a black suit, talking on his phone. He instructed him to take out everything from the car and to send them to Luo Lixi later by someone in her room.

Afterwards, he went to his room which was beside Luo Lixi. He entered it and gently closed it from inside without locking it as his first thought was to take a shower.

Before going to the bathroom, he went beside his bed and took out a plastic box from a cupboard.

After opening it, he took out some painkiller tablets and gulped them down without drinking water. He just hoped the unbearable throbbing would go away as soon as possible. Due to this, Sheng Ruming snapped at her in the car.

In the bathroom, he unclothed himself and was just about to throw clothes into a basket when he remembered the phone and wallet were still in his pant's pockets. 

As he took out the things, he placed them on the plain area beside the large basin. But when he tried to check his phone, it turned out his phone was switched off. 

Even after attempting for three to five minutes, it remained blank as there was no charge in the battery. He shrugged his back in annoyance and wrapped a bath towel around his waist. Earlier he forgot to bring the bathrobe with him so now he could only do with the towel to cover his sensitive part.

As he went back into the room, he found the charger and put his phone on charge. He waited by the side as he plopped into a sofa near it and remained quiet for a very long time. 

His intention was to check the phone for a second before entering the bathroom. What if by any chance there were any important calls for him?

But meanwhile, the medicine kicked in as his eyelids felt heavy. The effects started to show as he couldn't fight off the dizziness and closed his eyes for a moment. He placed his chin on his hand and rested it on top of the sofa's armrest as his mind drifted into a deep sleep. 

He didn't even know how long it had been but his slumber didn't even break when there was a light knock upon the door.

Knock knock…

"Ruming, are you inside? Can you hear me? Hey!" Luo Lixi knocked again as she didn't get any answer. She had been standing outside of his room for nearly ten minutes minutes already. She had been waiting for him at the dining table for a long time but there was no sign of him coming down.