
After talking with them for some moment, Sheng Ruming went to greet the other guests. There was a rumour that Sheng Ruming is ill thus he had to go abroad to get the best treatment for his full recovery. His relatives and friends also wished his illness to recover quickly though it was not known what the illness was.

They encouraged him to not to worry. The man had a polite smile all the time as he listened to them. 'As expected, it is not good to lie.' He sighed deeply as he remembered the nonexistent illness. At least his mother didn't tell anybody or as a man, he couldn't be able to face them.

Only after one hour, he finished greeting all of them. His forehead had some beads of sweat. Wei Airan was talking with Su Mengsi when she saw his weary look. They didn't know he was outside all day. Also, he didn't have lunch. On top of that, he didn't get to eat his fill earlier so he was extremely hungry. All in all, he appeared very exhausted.