
Some birds would occasionally come and snatch the pitiful fishes from the water. He gazed around the familiar place. It was the river where he found Luo Lixi. In summer, the river would nearly die but in the other seasons, it would return to its real self and show its ferociousness. 

In between Sheng Ruming's thoughts, he seemed like he heard a girl's vague sound from afar. Someone seemed to be calling out his name.

Sheng Ruming walked towards that source of the sound. He tried to find it but he was at a loss when he didn't see anyone. 

Soon a woman's silhouette could be seen coming towards him. She seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. 

"Ruming~..." Her melodious voice floated towards him from afar.

In a beautiful white bridal dress, she walked towards him from afar in her little steps. In her right hand, she had a bundle of roses while in her left hand she held a red box. 

"Ruming, I'm coming~"