Odd feeling...

79 Sheng Ruming just nodded to show her he understood but Luo Lixi felt uneasy. 

'You can come into my room whenever you want. It's not like I will forbid you. Instead, I will be more than happy if you come to my room more often.' Luo Lixi didn't know his inner thoughts but when she saw his playful eyes and the slight smile hanging in his lips, she felt extremely unbearable as if she was caught in some thievery. Sheng Ruming turned away his gaze when he saw her nervous expression. 

Sheng Ruming was in a good mood. He totally forgot the unpleasant thoughts about his mother giving him the bag from his mind and decided to sort out the remaining things to do. He wanted to send some files to his father so that the latter could understand the things in the company more easily.