Clumsy boy...

When grandpa Luo was in his work, Hua Xiamin had looked after them with so much care that she was moved. The girl who was in her adolescence was beyond happy that he had treated her so well with so much love. She discerned the concern and care they had for her but now that she thought she was a fool.

Even if people could hire someone with a large amount of money, sincerity couldn't be bought with anything, not even with the price of someone's life. The naive Luo Lixi easily believed in everyone who could move her heart for even a bit back then due to the lack of her parent's love and presence. 

When the two men she thought cared for her as much as she did, betrayed her, her belief in men broke into pieces. 

Luo Lixi had made up her mind not to believe in someone else so easily, only she had for herself.