White rose...

"Done." He closed the lid of the cream tube and put it back where it was placed.

Luo Lixi glanced at her right arm. She had many other things to talk about with him but now, she had forgotten everything. She had the mood to do so again.

The day was clear and sunny, it was warm and perfect for taking a stroll outside.

"Let's go outside." Luo Lixi turned her face and stared at his eyes as she told him.

"Your hand…" Luo Lixi knew he was worried about her hand.

"It's okay now. Will you go?" She reassured him and asked him politely. If He didn't want to, she wouldn't force him. It's just that in the last thirty days or so she had barely seen him. He was so busy that sometimes she thought he had forgotten about her existence but she knew it wasn't true. 

Now that Sheng Ruming had told her earlier he was free the whole day, she thought it wasn't a bad idea to go outside with him; spending a little time together wouldn't hurt anyone.