Chapter 94 'Boyfriend' or 'Boy Friend'...

It was only 7 pm. of the night...

The door before the man opened wide. Even before he could step inside, a girl jumped on him. With his long hands, he caught the girl in his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Daddy, welcome home~ I was waiting for you~" The four years old little girl's cheery voice rang throughout the area. Unlike the elevator, where she had spoken in English, this time she was talking in Chinese. Also, her face was identical to that of that man's but she had phoenix eyes, unlike her father who had ocean blue eyes.

"Thanks baby." He closed the door and went inside. 

The little girl wore a red dress, her hair was done in two cute braids while two rubber bands with white rabbit design were attached at the ends of the two braids. She was swinging her legs while her father was going inside.