Chapter 92 Honey pot...

"Okay then." The car turned quiet yet again.

"Lixi, you didn't tell me what you would like to eat."

"Oh! I guess steak will do." Luo Lixi thought it was the most common food here so she would probably go and eat that. Surely the taste would be different from her past experiences.

"Steak then." He acknowledged it and turned on the Google location for the nearby restaurant and searched for a restaurant which had a good rating.

And surely he found one in the vicinity. After ten minutes of driving, they arrived before that restaurant. But there wasn't any parking area. He searched and found one a little distance ahead. 

"You can get down here. I will park the car and come to you in a short while."

At that Luo Lixi hurriedly denied him. 

"Nope. Don't leave me alone here. It's just a little bit of distance. I can come here with you." 

At her reply, Sheng Ruming felt a pang in his heart as he felt a little sad.