Chapter 97 Greeting...

Sheng Ruming's face twisted into an unrecognisable expression when he saw her spat for the second time.

"Stop doing it. Your saliva can fall on top of somebody."

Luo Lixi glanced up at him.

"It is our saliva… You were too much." She shook her head and walked inside the dark. After walking towards the wall which had switches, she turned on all of them. There wasn't any electronic fan in the room but an air conditioner.

"Lixi, we will go outside later to have dinner."

"Hmm…" She gave him a vague response. 

After that Luo Lixi walked towards the closet. She opened it and searched for suitable clothes to wear but didn't find anything to her liking.

Sheng Ruming saw she was frowning heavily the more she searched. 

"Ruming, here, every single dress is too revealing. There isn't a suitable one for me to wear." She knitted her brows as she turned towards him.