Chapter 105 Happy Birthday...

"Really?! Can you even eat 1 kg of meat?! What about the vegetables then?! Buy to show off?" While asking him, Ji Yanli took out her card and handed it to the cashier but he took it back and returned the card to her. 

"I will pay. How can I let you when I am here?" Wang Haixiao said proudly and gave the cashier his card. 

"Whatever you want. It's good for me. My money saved from going into the drain." After she ridiculed him, they took all the groceries and returned to their car. 

After they had placed the bags securely in the back seat, Wang Haixiao began to drive the car when a sudden phone call came to her. Ji Yanli took her phone out of her bag and saw it was her mother.

"Hello, Ma."

"Your work hasn't finished yet?! It's already too late."

"No, Ma. I won't come home today. Don't wait for me. Bye~"