Chapter 108 Wake up...

After that Luo Lixi didn't show any sign to lay down on the bed. Sheng Ruming sat down on the bed and told her, "Why aren't you sleeping again?"

"I don't want to. These past few days I have been sleeping too much. Soon, I will become fat."Luo Lixi then went beside his ear and whispered, "Then you won't even like me anymore." 

After she was done whispering, Luo Lixi wanted to retract his head but Sheng Ruming clutched  her head by his left hand and left a quick kiss on her temple.

"You can become fat and then see if I like you or not. Your appearance won't make a difference for the love I have for you." At his sweet words, Luo Lixi blushed heavily. She wanted to lie down on the bed but he stopped her.

"What about you?"

"Hmm, I will tell you later. Now I don't have any mood to really talk in the middle of the night." When Sheng Ruming heard her, he let her go. The woman clearly forgot the earlier thing she told but Sheng Ruming didn't remind her.