Chapter 113 Showering her with kisses...

After Luo Lixi received Sheng Ruming call, the latter wanted to tell her to come back hurriedly. But Luo Lixi told him, "Ruming, Sarah is currently alone here. Also she has fallen asleep. I can't leave her alone."

"Then… I am coming. Wait for me." Sheng Ruming stood up and went out. After he reached the door of the 19th floor's penthouse. Luo Lixi opened the door and both of them walked towards the living room.

"Her mother has gone out for some work. Now she is alone here. How can I leave her alone?" Luo Lixi sounded concerned as she was telling him. When Sheng Ruming reached into the living room, he saw a mess. Toys and plates were scattered on the floor and the girl was sleeping beside those while drool was flowing out of her little mouth.

Sheng Ruming shot her a look as if saying what have you done. Luo Lixi hurriedly turned her sight away.