Chapter 129 Tracking Sheng Ruming's whereabouts...

In a small dark room, where any sliver of light didn't from the day it was built in the underground…

Two people were on the ground, bound tight with ropes. It's been many days since those were brought here. Both of them were moving their bodies slightly in the darkroom. 

They would be given only one meal every day and afterwards they would be shut in dark again. They had asked the people why they had been brought here but they didn't receive any answer from them. They didn't dare to shout at them either as the two people who brought their food, were very hideous and bad-tempered.

The man who was currently bound beside Mr. Tan, was a man who could get easily scared shitless. When his headcover was removed for the first time, he started to whine in a loud voice. The men felt irritated and gave him such a forceful slap that his two front teeth fell off.