Chapter 132 Trembling...

Yan Lunan saw Ji Yanli was shaking her head.

"Earlier you said I'm beautiful,  now you are saying I'm a shameless woman?!" 

"When have I said? I wanted to… Forget it. Let's go inside.

As Yan Luhan spoke, he gently held her hand and started to walk towards the party venue.

Ji Yanli had a sour feeling in her heart. She glared at the two hands clasped together and the next second she yanked her hand back. Yan Luhan stopped and wanted to say something harsh to her when he saw a person was standing at a corner of the building, staring at them. 

Even though he failed to see the face clearly, he knew just from the silhouette that that person was his mother. Also at the same time, he could sense the intensity of the displeasure the woman was giving to them.

When Su Mengsi saw her son had noticed her, she scoffed, turned away and went towards the way before her.

Yan Luhan felt disturbed but then a voice came from behind.