Chapter 134 Good luck...

After the petite girl confirmed that she was the owner of it, Sheng Ruming turned towards her and spoke without considering anything.

"This trash had intended to harm my fianceé. My miserable honey has become traumatized because of it. It shall be locked in jail to atone for its crime!" Sheng Ruming shot the girl a frigid look and retorted without batting an eyelid.



Sheng Ruming didn't end and kept going.

"Don't think you can run away either. I won't spare you. Why keeping a dog when you can't even keep it in control?"

The girl was quivering a little when she heard those harsh words. Even though his words were logical, she was having a hard time listening to them.

Luo Lixi saw the girl was trying her best not to break down into tears. She had also had an awful time trying to pull her hound.

Luo Lixi stared at Sheng Ruming's face and grabbed his chin. Then she turned him to look down on herself.