Chapter 136 Mistress.

Su Mengsi didn't have the mood to speak more. But she was sure of the fact that Chen Baishi didn't tell Wei Airan the full identity of her but she wanted her to know.

Chi Bainian was a very talkative person. She just needed to poke a little and the next moment the woman would spill everything from her mouth she knew.

"She is Mrs. Wu. The second Mrs. Wu… "  Wei Airan seemed puzzled when she heard it.

"Mengsi, what do you mean by second Mrs. Wu?"

Su Mengsi tugged one corner of her lips upwards as she glanced at Wei Airan. "The way you acted last night, anyone would have mistaken that that woman is your long lost sister. Huh, as expected she didn't tell you anything."

Wei Airan knitted her eyebrows when she heard. It was the first encounter of them after many years. So she didn't ask Chen Baishi about anything related to her family. She had only asked about her mother's health and luckily the old woman was still alive.