Chapter 140 Given a makeover and redesign...

Without reacting to her reaction, Sheng Ruming successfully bound her seatbelt. Afterwards, the car started to drive towards its destination at full speed.

In the car, both of them were silent. Luo Lixi was looking outside as she gripped her purse tightly.  The car slowly left the main road and went towards a sideroad.

After twenty minutes, the car had finally stopped before a two-storeyed building. Luo Lixi glanced around the deserted road and couldn't help but ask, "This area is so…" 

"Yeah. The person who will shoot our photos is a renowned photographer. This building is her."

Luo Lixi stared at the building before her and saw that the first floor is a salon while the second floor didn't have any sign. Both of them walked inside the building. A teenage girl walked up to them.

"Hello, are you Mr. Sheng?"


"Please come inside with me. Madam is waiting for you two."