Chapter 144 Daylight robbery...

Back in China…

Currently, Sheng Haotin had come to an appointment at the renowned restaurant of the Ming city. Both Wang Haixiao and Ji Yanli had accompanied him. 

Usually, he didn't care for these meetings. Neither Sheng Haotin required to come personally, just that he had free time today. Thus he appeared today which was totally unexpected to Ji Yanli.

There was no need for the two of them to tag along with Sheng Haotin. But, Ji Yanli had a meeting with a secretary of another company. 

She had booked two rooms for the two business appointments. After they had reached the destination, the three of them entered.

"Mr. Sheng, Welcome." When the owner of the restaurant, a middle-aged man, was notified that Sheng Haotin had come, he personally came to greet him.

Sheng Haotin went ahead and said, "Mr. Lu, we just have to come for our business. No need to be so polite. Also, you don't need to see us all the way, we can go by ourselves."