Chapter 155 Too many 'coincidences'.

Yan Ruomin didn't see him coming as her back was facing the two men. Now, only a low stifling noise came from her lips while no tears came out from her eyes.

"Ruming." Feng Shaoling nodded his head slightly as a greeting. Sheng Ruming glanced at his face for a few seconds, then asked, "Is it also a coincidence for you to come here, at this place and time?!"

Feng Shaoling knew what he was talking about. Without changing his face, he answered, "I just came to check on you. My plan was to meet you in the company. Didn't think I would see you here."

Yan Ruomin stiffened and then turned around. She had an incredulous expression when she saw the two men. 'Why is he here?!' She tried to maintain her expression and greeted him, "Shaoling, it's great that you are also here." She put on her best smile as she lifted her head.

"Hmm. What are  you doing here?" Feng Shaoling asked.