Chapter 165 Zhao Yichen.

"Huh! Even though your brother tried to cover it, we know it all. Don't try to deny…" Luo Minwei sneered and continued to say when her hand was tugged from behind.

"What did Lixiang tried to cover?! Tell me." Luo Lixi clenched her hands. From the side, Xiao Huang looked at Sheng Ruming and asked permission silently to handle the situation but he signaled him not to.

"Weiwei, stop talking. We are getting late." A middle aged woman told her from the side. She stared at Luo Lixi uneasily.

"Ma, this bitch is really…"

"Look out what you are saying." Sheng Ruming went beside Luo Lixi and warned her. At that, Luo Minwei became flustered. 

"let's go!" Luo Minwei's mother glanced at the people who were standing behind Luo Lixi.

All of them were glaring at Luo Minwei as if she said something more, they wouldn't stay still.

"But Ma…" Luo Minwei was dragged by her mother and soon they went to a different area.