Chapter 180 Grand-baby's face...

She slowly made her way towards the small wardrobe placed at a corner. 

Ji Yanli scanned it from side to side.

"He didn't throw it till this day?! Good boy…" Ji Yanli opened one drawer and found her dresses. 

Those few pieces were very old and brought back some of her forgotten memories. She took out one and wore it in a few seconds.

When Ji Yanli walked out, she stood before him and showed him around, "Look, this fits so perfectly even after so many years."

Wang Haixiao's eyes bent into crescent moons as he nodded, "Yes…"

*** ***

Luo Lixi stared at the clock. Her eyes were too widely open to fall asleep. She tossed and turned on the bed but couldn't slip in dreamland.

"Agh! What is happening?" She sat up on the bed and rubbed her throbbing temple. "Off!" 

After standing up, she roamed around the room. Then, she dropped on a sofa and clutched her head tightly with her two pale hands.