Chapter 200 Growling!

"... Did you manage to handle them in the meeting?" Sheng Ruming asked. 

"Yes." Luo Lixi answered.  There was a Bluetooth earpiece in her left hair. Because her hair was loosened and those were placed in front of her chest, people couldn't notice the thing in her ear.

"Good. What will you do next?" Sheng Ruming was still in the hotel's business suite. 

The man was leaning on the window and was staring at the sky while talking with her. There was a faint smile on his face. 

"I am going back to my office room. There isn't much work in my hands now. So, I will leave the company in two hours."

Zhao Yichen glanced at Luo Lixi's back. The man was following her from the meeting room to her office room. His face was complicated as her whispers entered his ears.

When they finally reached the office chamber, she pushed the door. As soon as she saw there was a person sitting on the sofa area she paused.