Chapter 226 Intimate moments!

His mind went blank for a few moments. Then he blurted out, "Since how many days?"

"It's been eight days." She closed her eyes shut and murmured. But then she abruptly opened her eyes and reassured him, "It should get over by tonight, I guess."

The man suspiciously eyed her. It sounded very absurd. Luo Lixi pressed her lips together before his suspicious eyes. She mumbled out loud, "After it's over… I will let you do it."

The man stiffened. In the first place he didn't come here to have sex with her but now that she willingly put such an offer before him, the man was beyond happy.

Nonetheless, his cold face remained as such and he voiced her out.

"Are you sure? You won't back down from your words?"

Luo Lixi shook her head and gave him her words, "I promise you." Her face also got serious when her lips uttered those words.