Chapter 229 Familiar face.

Luo Lixi started to walk in a random place. She didn't give any damn to the sound of whoever was calling her and in anger, she went to a random area. 

After walking for like thirty minutes, she finally stopped. What lay before her was a barely flowing river. 

"Umm, this place…" Luo Lixi frowned as she glanced around. Then she turned towards the way she had come from. "I will return after a while." 

She murmured and turned around. Then she went up to the river. As she glanced around, her eyes caught some little fishes swimming in it. 

"Ah, the air is so fresh…" Luo Lixi took a deep breath and went up to the river. She crouched down and touched the water with her hand. 

When her reflection was shown, her lips twisted. She touched her upper neck and chuckled angrily.