Chapter 242 Acting dead!

"It's enough." Luo Lixi muttered softly as she rubbed her arm, "You should rest now. It's been a long while." 

So the only girl who ws beside Luo Lixi left. When she glanced around, nobody entered her vision. 

"It seems I am the only one here." She murmured and turned around. Her hands placed themselves on the edge of the hot spring and her left hand twirled the glass with her two fingers. 

Her face was flushed while her lips were bent into a cheeky smirk. "Everything is two. I have four hands now… how convenient~" 

Her eyes were somewhat cloudy. She raised her left hand and saw it had also two glasses. 

"It's empty? Why is it empty?!" Luo Lixi felt like it's not fair. Thus she picked the bottle which had a little bit of wine left and poured it on the glass. But all of the content ended up falling to the ground. "Ah?!" She poured more in that glass but how could an imaginary thing hold something.