Chapter 254 Are you already pregnant?

However, Sheng Haotin turned around and went to sit on the sofa. His nonchalant hands took the tea cup and poured the tea which was made by Wei Airan after a long time.

"Good tea!" His eyes fell on the woman who was beside his son. 

As if a switch was turned on in her head,  Wei Airan smiled. However, the two men who witnessed this felt the malice from her bright face.

"I woke up early in the morning and made it with so much care, thinking today is the best day for me to be happy but... " The woman snatched the cup and turned around.

"Aunt Lin, unless I told you, don't make any tea in the mansion. Throw the other ones away or give them to outsiders."

  Sheng Haotin saw the tigress who was trying to control herself from biting her. Venting her anger on his precious tea was like her showing sharp fangs to bite off.