Chapter 268 Does it feel good?

"This lady, who are you? Or perhaps, you have come to the wrong place?" Before An Ching could take a step forward, Wang Haixiao rushed forward and blocked his path. 

"I know her… can you go to your room first?" Hearing Wang Haixiao's voice, the other party nodded clumsily. Before going to his room, An Ching cast another glance at Ji Yanli. 

When the sound of the room's door being closed was heard, only then Wang Haixiao's tense back relaxed. 

"You damn woman! What are you doing here?! Also in this dress?! Who are you trying to seduce huh? What if it wasn't me but that man who would have come earlier?!" His eyes squinted as he whispered angrily. 

Ji Yanli's phoenix eyes flashed as she stepped ahead and raised her hand. Wang Haixiao was taken aback for a moment when the soft hand caressed his cheek, making his red eyes tremble, "Of course, I have come to check on you. After all, you..."