Chapter 277 Yan Ruomin was thrown on bed by Sheng Ruming!

Luo Lixi heard the sound of the woman and subconsciously turned towards Sheng Ruming. Even though her face was calm, she squinted her eyes and muttered, "Why has a woman come to find you early in the morning?"

"... How would I know?" The man showed an innocent face.

Luo Lixi rolled her eyes at him. Sheng Ruming grabbed her hands and dragged her body towards him. 


Abruptly, Luo Lixi's head was grabbed. Sheng Ruming placed her head on his neck and whispered, "Kiss me there. Make a bright red mark."

Luo Lixi's heart stiffened. She just wanted to play with his mind yet the man outnumbered her. Luo Lixi inhaled the scent of his body. 

In the morning, as if the man had become a huddle of hormones. 'Ah, why does my heart beating like jumping?!' Luo Lixi thought so and neared his neck.

In the next second, her soft lips fell on his neck. Luo Lixi wasn't the least bit worried about the knock that came flowed from the door.