Chapter 283 Offering confidential info to his beloved!

The man glanced at Luo Lixi suspiciously and muttered deeply, "It's better be."

"Cough!" Luo Lixi's cheeks turned a little red. She avoided his eyes and fanned herself. 

As she glanced around, she didn't find anything on her mind to talk for the purpose of changing the topic. 'What in the world I just imagined?! It's so shocking that I feel like dying!'

Luo Lixi couldn't help her blush from crawling towards her neck. Even if she had turned her face away, this didn't stop the man from noticing her exposed neck.

When the white skin was dyed with redness entered his eyes, Sheng Ruming hooked his lips upwards. 

Luo Lixi felt his obvious gaze. She couldn't remain calm and murmured, "Ah, Ruming, the weather… Today is so hot… " 

"Heh! In the horizon, you can see the trace of fog!" Sheng Ruming sat sideways and placed his hand on the back of the seat and prompted his head by it.