Chapter 305 Nothing… crunch~ crunch~ cruuuunch~

Ben became quiet and sighed, "I didn't bring anything to present. That oldie won't come today so the class monitor will receive those. I've given money to someone to do it for me. It will need time to come…" 

Ji Yanli could only smile wryly as she shook her head, "No need. My humble assignment will do. Thanks for asking though."

"No problem."

While chatting, Ben inched towards her face and whispered, "If you want, I will give it to you. After all, you too…" 

Ji Yanli gave a hollow laugh and wanted to say that she really didn't need his help but then the professor entered the room.

"Ah, look, the grumpy has come. Let's stop now." Ben snickered as he sat straight like a proper learner.

So both of them had to put a stop to their conversation.