Chapter 338 Indefference.

Luo Lixi felt cold all over as she opened her phone and glanced at the message she had sent to Sheng Ruming. Her lips pouted into a cute manner and felt somewhat neglected.

'Still no reply?' She thought and then turned off the screen. The girl didn't have another second to spare waiting for his reply. Her fingers rubbed her nose heavily as it turned red. "Hacchi~"

After a few minutes, they went to the nearby hotel. It was better to find a warm place to keep herself warm in this chilly and humid condition and her catching cold was worsening the situation. 

Luo Lixi hurriedly went to her hotel room and took a warm shower and a steamed bath. She wrapped herself with two fluffy blankets, pink coloured and in a wobbly way, made her way to the bed.