Chapter 343 Luo Lixi's whining.

Sheng Ruming made an 'Oh' face and then turned to look at the bed. When Luo Lixi followed his sight, her eyes fell just on the place where he was sleeping earlier. 

Both people's eyes froze. Sheng Ruming lifted out awkwardly and then walked ahead. Then he picked up the thing with the shiny little ruby and then turned towards her. 

Luo Lixi was speechless. 'All hard work was useless!' 

She didn't utter any noise as she saw the man coming towards her. 

Sheng Ruming raised the chain in front of her and shook it gently. "Here is your chain you were searching so desperately. Even you disregarded my words for it."

The man shot a look of interest to the chain and then whispered, "How can a lifeless thing be so precious that you even ignored me and tried to kick me, huh?!"

Luo Lixi didn't reply. On top of that, when he was watching the chain intensely and showing her, she tried to snatch it away but the man was one step ahead.