Chapter 348 Luo Qintian's wish...

But nobody could answer her question. The next day, everyone got their answers at the right moment. 

Luo Lixi sent a freshly baked, masculine, charming Zhao Yichen who had rushed to the hospital after Luo Lixi called the elders, her grandfather's friends for help. 

The man agreed without hesitation. Even if he didn't agree, his grandpa, Elder Bin would have kicked him out of the training ground to help Luo Lixi. 

Not many people knew Zhao Yichen's family background. In their eyes, he was a good assistant, secretary, advisor and bodyguard under Luo Qintian.

When he came as the new CEO of the Luo Corporation, many doubted, including the shareholders and executives. In their eyes, they were a hundredfold more capable when operating a company. 

But when they knew his identity, all the people shut up. Like cats getting stepped on their tail! When ignorant people doubted his ability, he threw his PhD on their faces.