Chapter 355 "... itchy?"

Luo Lixi was very curious. She glanced at the red water and unexpectedly, a faint scent of flowers spread in the room. It made her relax her nerves and gave the urge to drink it without holding back.

Madam Wang glanced at the closed door and then murmured beside her ear, "The thing my father gave me. It's a secret formula that most soldiers use when they are in the same position as you. It calms them down and gives them the energy to stay alert throughout the night."

Luo Lixi heard her and then gently shook the bottle. Even though she didn't say it aloud, Madam Wang knew what she was thinking. 

"Don't doubt it, child. I will never harm you. I used the quantity a normal person can have at once" Madam Wang whispered with a hurt expression. 

Luo Lixi hurriedly spoke out, "I didn't say it, aunty. Just that, the stylist has forbidden me to drink anything until the wedding ends."