Chapter 361 Getting kissed before others~

After he was done, he thought shamelessly as he sat beside her body and rubbed her cheeks, "Well, I offered you but you refused. I will take you to have lunch in the best restaurant later."

Sheng Ruming's smile was cheeky as he stared down at her. After one hour, Luo Lixi opened her eyes and with caution, she glanced around. Then, he saw the man beside her, rubbing her cheek and neck. 

A realisation struck her, he was clearly taking advantage of her while she was in sleep. But she did not mention it, rather she became happy!

"Ah, everything is clear now!" Luo Lixi exclaimed as she hurriedly sat up. She smiled brightly and hugged him tightly. 

"Clear? What is wrong, Lixi?" Sheng Ruming asked with doubt. 

Luo Lixi rubbed her face on his neck as she whispered, "Nothing. Just that my eyes were a little hazy. Must be because of the alcohol."

"Oh!" Sheng Ruming hugged her back and mumbled, "Well, are you ready to go now?"