Chapter 363 Getting advice from mother in law.

Aunt Lin looked at Wei Airan and then Luo Lixi. Nobody would dare to say that the two had a generation gap between them and they were mother in law- daughter in law.

Also, Luo Lixi didn't wear any makeup and looked clean and refreshed, like the morning dew. On the other hand, Wei Airan looked noble and elegant, like a red rose. 

Two beauties of different fields~ 

Luo Lixi saw Wei Airan and was awestruck for a moment as Wei Airan's sweet and matured charm enveloped her mind. She couldn't help but mumble while being shocked, "Ruming, is she really your biological mother? She's looking so young..."

"Any doubt? Look at our nose, you'll see the familiarity." Sheng Ruming said seriously. Then he lifted his face high as if for her to check. 

"..." Luo Lixi seriously checked his nose and then Wei Airan's. There was really glaring familiarity between the two people. 

When Luo Lixi nodded her head, Sheng Ruming was pleased. He mouthed smugly, 'Said so~'