Chapter 374 My child...

After sorting out the matter with the bridge, the young man went to the hospital. But this time it wasn't Ming city no. 1 hospital, rather the very famous top-class hospital of the Ming city, 'Ailin Hospital'. 

The one where Luo Lixi stayed for months when she was rescued by Sheng Ruming and was in a coma. It was best in many fields and thus Sheng Ruming gave the matter to find the best surrogate for his child to Xiao Peilan.

After getting out of the car, Sheng Ruming went straight to the director's office. While walking, he unknowingly clenched his two arms. His heart was thumping like crazy. 

As the lift was going to the upper floor, Sheng Ruming closed his eyes and thought worriedly, 'I hope you are okay, baby. Dad is coming to see you.'