Chapter 376 I will wait for you.

Sheng Ruming rubbed his temple and said to Xiao Huang hoarsely, "Tell the maids that they should make sure to cater to her all needs. Even if she makes unreasonable demands, do it except… can't leave the boundary of the mansion."

"Yes, boss." Xiao Huang nodded and noted it down on his mind. The poor man's mind was full with all kinds of notes for the last few days and he didn't know when he would forget them, 'I better write them down today…'

Finally, Sheng Ruming was at ease after sorting the most crucial thing and went to the company with a much carefree mind but he didn't have a good attitude when he went to the company. 

The employees stood one after another to greet him when they saw him walking in but the man didn't even bat an eyelid and left one line, "All people involving the recent project, come to the meeting room in five minutes!"