Chapter 399 Beating Ben.


A bucket of cold water was thrown at Ben. Due to the cold sensation, the young man jolted up awake and opened his eyes wide, trying to figure out what just happened. He looked around but all he saw was darkness. 

"Ahhhh! Where am I?!" Ben screamed. When he tried to move, he was feeling stiffness all around his body, especially his back where an unbearable pain was gawking at him which made him unable to move. But the most unbearable thing was that his head was spinning and he felt like puking. 

"Heh! This boy's memory is so poor…" The old guard mocked as he grabbed Ben's upside-down body and yanked away the black cloth which covered his head a moment ago. 

The young man didn't even get a moment to adjust to the light when he saw the young guard making his way towards him with a long, thick, vicious-looking rod.