Chapter 403 I just showered...

"Madam, welcome home." One maid greeted her with a smile as soon as she saw Luo Lixi entering. 

"You, come with me. I have to go to a party. Help me to prepare for this." While speaking, Luo Lixi went up the stairs, barefooted.

"Yes. I am coming." The maid replied and followed Luo Lixi. The other one who was busy making dinner in the kitchen for the couple was stumped. She sighed while washing her hands. 

"Madam, you should at least notify us if you won't eat at home…" While whispering, she wiped her hands clean with a white towel and went up to the second floor as well. 

Twenty minutes earlier.

"Is she home yet?" Sheng Ruming asked as he loosened his tie and glanced outside. He had gone to a distant place for the meeting and just got the chance to ask about Luo Lixi. 

"I am not sure. Let me ask." Xiao Huang replied while driving.