Chapter 411 Dyed In Blood.

'Did I pamper you so much? For a man who has betrayed you, you are willing to go against me?! Such a disappointment!' Luo Qintian thought as he sighed. The pain on his chest wasn't any near to his tensions. He feared, one day, this grandchild of his would-be sold but she wouldn't even know!

The old man's eyes turned red, and he no longer bothered to look at her. After Zhao Yichen helped him to eat the medicines, he went to rest and fell asleep. 

Zhao Yichen was unmoved at first. But when the clock crossed two hours and her complexion turned pale, he couldn't stay unmoved. The man went beside her and muttered, "Miss, don't be stubborn. Your grandfather always thinks good for you."

"You don't have to remind me. I know... what I am doing." Luo Lixi spat out angrily with misty eyes as she glared at him. The old man didn't know her thoughts and wanted to reform jet life.