"Yes, do you need something, Sir?" The traffic police asked politely as he glanced inside unintentionally. Looking at Luo Lixi who was in a terrible condition, his eyes flashed. 

'Is it like that drama? A young master kidnapping a young flower to bed her?!' The man couldn't be blamed as the modern dramas contaminated his morality a long time ago. 

Zhao Yichen saw the man's face turning into a knowing grin. He couldn't be bothered to ask the reason and questioned, "Where is your bike?"

The traffic police pointed behind him and Zhao Yichen saw it was parked beside the footpath. 

"...I need it for some reason. Lend it to me for some hours.'' Zhao Yichen said urgently. He didn't wait for the man as he turned back and put on a brand new mask on his face. Like him, he tore open another packet and helped Luo Lixi to wear a new mask as well.