Chapter 416 Ruby.

His eyes seemed dark and void of any human emotions, the same kind which stared at her with hostility back in that day when he threw her out from the bridge with cruelty and distance.

Luo Lixi saw this unfamiliar crazy brother of hers. When the stifling feeling joined with the unbearable pain, a thought crossed her mind, 'Today… I got so many shocks. It must be my end…'

Luo Lixi felt Luo Lixiang's hands shaking against her as the gun pointed at her chest. It was moving around on her bare skin and snapped her out from her daze. 

Trying to see what was going on with her crazy brother, she widened her eyes and then, she caught something flickering within his dark eyes.

'Did he just… look hurt?' Luo Lixi questioned herself which seemed unbelievable as she searched for something in those eyes.

As a sudden wave of sounds flew over, Luo Lixiang's eyes flickered back to the same empty dark eyes void of any emotions.