Chapter 418 The Gate of Rebirth, Reincarnation and Regression.

The clock gate aka the gate of rebirth, reincarnation and regression sighed as it saw the soul burning in the lava. Even if the ocean water was healing Luo Lixiang's newly made burns, the pain was still terrifying to describe. 

The clock gate: 'Guess I will have to take him?'

As it thought, it willed and the large amount of healing ocean water turned into lava. Then, it roasted, burned and melted Luo Lixiang's soul again and again. 

In that mysterious place, for a century, Luo Lixiang was punished for his greatest sin. For killing himself and someone, he underwent the cruellest punishment. His body killed his own soul again and again with the little gun he used for suicide while holding immense hatred.

The clock gate: "Didn't you want to get freedom? Taste the freedom you have chosen back then. Does it feel good?" [In a sarcastic telepathic voice~]

Luo Lixiang: "AHHHHHH~..."[Enduring while screaming nonstop in the boiling lava].