Chapter 426 Love To Spank~

The next morning, Sun Xumei woke up before everyone. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a cute little butt right in front of her eyes. 

"Ah… how did she come up to the pillow?" The lady murmured and then grabbed the little legs of Luo Lixi. 

Luo Lixi, who was sleeping soundly till now, felt someone dragging her down and screamed in her mind as she failed to open her eyes for some unknown reason, 'Help! Octopus is going to eat me! Someone, help!' 

Luo Baiyun was always a light sleeper. When the woman beside him moved, he had already woken up from his sleep. Upon looking at the little one who was being dragged down and her little face creasing into a frown, he hurriedly sat up and picked Luo Lixi. 

"Xumei, don't do that again. It's bad for her legs." Luo Baiyun whispered as he placed Luo Lixi's sleeping figure on his lap and then rubbed the non-existent wounds.