Chapter 459 Long city.

At the entrance of the company. 

Luo Lixi was stopped by the receptionist from going in. She didn't get upset and asked politely, "Can you tell Sheng Ruming that Xixi has come? I have to meet him right now. It's urgent!"

The receptionist remembered Luo Lixi as she was thrown out with Pan Er Jiu yesterday. She labelled her as a troublemaker. Thus, she didn't act politely and replied stiffly, "Sorry, you can't. Please leave."

"Just notify him once. If he doesn't want to see me then I will leave immediately." Luo Lixi said calmly. She was a bit embarrassed as she saw the look in the receptionist's eyes. 

How could she forget that yesterday, both she and Pan Er Jiu were told to leave the company by Sheng Ruming's instructions?!

'That man… he will pay for it!' Luo Lixi gnashed her teeth and stared at the receptionist with firm eyes. Looking at the serious expression on her face, the receptionist was taken aback.