Chapter 436 How Did The Baby Entered...

Knock~ Knock~

"Come in." Sun Xumei replied as she sat straight on the bed from her half-lying position. Then, Luo Lixi came into the room, with a little tray that had many little desserts on several plates. 

Those were made by the renowned chef of the Long city for Wang Haixiao and Zhao Yichen. That's how much the old lady spoiled the little kids of other families. 

But now that Luo Lixi had come, Madam Tang would ask the chef to make sweets for her dear granddaughter from now on. Bunny shape, heart shape, sheep shape etc were on the way~

"Ma, I have brought tasty desserts for you~" Luo Lixi grinned broadly as she glanced at her mother. Inwardly she was crying in despair, "Heavy~ Heavy~ Heavy~" 

"Ah, Xixi, be careful." Sun Xumei chuckled heartily when she saw the careful girl who was walking very slowly as if scared that she would drop everything.