Chapter 443 Getting Bullied!

Luo Lixi didn't do what her grandmother said. The old lady didn't mention the matter later. The whole time, she took care of all Luo Lixi's needs. 

'Grandma is so warm…' Luo Lixi understood while she was being taken into the master bedroom of her grandparents. Then, Madam Tang left her on the bed and went away to her secret chamber. 

"Doesn't she fear that I will expose her?'' Luo Lixi murmured awkwardly. Madam Tang didn't take much time and returned soon. 

Then, she strode towards Luo Lixi and handed two wooden boxes. Luo Lixi guessed something and opened those slowly. As expected, there were two hairpins. One was golden, the other was silver. 

Luo Lixi didn't show any reaction as if she didn't know what was happening. However, Madam Tang crouched down in front of her and picked those things up.